
Energy sources

Green energy includes natural energetic processes that can be harnessed with little pollution. Anaerobic digestion, geothermal power, wind power, small-scale hydropower, solar power, biomass power, tidal power and wave power fall under such a category. Some versions may also include power derived from the incineration of waste.

More controversial is nuclear energy's claim to be green. It is not sustainable, nor renewable[1]. However nuclear waste is a pollutant if released into the biosphere, and there are carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases generated by the large amount of energy required by transport, mining and pre- and post-production. Hence, nuclear power is rarely included in official green energy schemes[citation needed]. Proponents of Nuclear Power tend to argue that the Nuclear waste is not released into the biosphere during normal operation and that the carbon dioxide emissions per kilowatt hour of generated electricity is comparable to those of other green energy sources, such as wind power[citation needed].

Likewise, medium or large-scale hydroelectric power or sources of air pollution such as burning biomatter or petroleum, consume water and are often excluded from the label 'green energy'[citation needed].

Renewable energy certificates (Green certificates, or green tags) are currently the most convenient way for consumers and businesses to support "green power". Over 35 million homes in Europe, and 1 million in the United States, are purchasing such certificates.

No power source is entirely impact-free. All energy sources require energy and gives rise to some degree of pollution from manufacture of the technology.

[edit] Purchasing gr


World energy resources and consumption

The remaining world energy resources are large, compared to world energy consumption. To make it easier to compare the numbers, this article uses SI units and prefixes and measures energy rate (or power) in watts (W) and amounts of energy in joules (J).

In 2004, the worldwide energy consumption of the human race was 15 TW (= 1.5 x 1013 W) with 86.5% from burning fossil fuels.[1] This is equivalent to 0.5 ZJ (= 5 x 1020 J) per year, although there is at least 10% uncertainty in the world's energy consumption. Not all of the world's economies track their energy consumption with the same rigor, and the exact energy content of a barrel of oil or a ton of coal will vary with quality.

Most of the world energy resources are from the sun's rays hitting earth - some of that energy has been preserved as fossil energy, some is directly or indirectly usable e.g. via wind, hydro or wave power. The term solar constant is the amount of incoming solar electromagnetic radiation per unit area, measured on the outer surface of Earth's atmosphere, in a plane perpendicular to the rays. The solar constant includes all types of solar radiation, not just the visible light. It is measured by satellite to be roughly 1366 watts per square meter, though it fluctuates by about 6.9% during a year - from 1412 W/m2 in early January to 1321 W/m2 in early July, due to the earth's varying distance from the sun, and by a few parts per thousand from day to day. For the whole Earth, with a cross section of 127,400,000 km², the power is 1.740×1017 W, plus or minus 3.5%.

By comparing this contribution by the sun to that contributed by human energy consumption, it can be readily understood that the direct human contribution to earth's heating is a very small fraction: the ratio of 1.5×1013 watts / 1.740×1017 watts is less than 1/10,000th (0.01%). Direct heating of the earth by humans is thus negligible. The earth has been warming recently, however, and mankind's contribution is understandably under close review. Global warming theories that do focus on mankind's contribution point towards the important side-effects of human energy consumption, such as greenhouse gases added to the earth's atmosphere.

The remaining worldwide energy resources are large, with the remaining fossil fuels totaling an estimated 0.4 YJ (1 YJ = 1024J) and the available nuclear fuel such as uranium exceeding 2.5 YJ. Fossil fuel range from 0.6-3 YJ if estimates of reserves of methane clathrates are accurate and become technically extractable. Mostly thanks to the Sun, the world also has a renewable usable energy flux that exceeds 120 PW (8,000 times 2004 total usage), or 3.8 YJ/yr, dwarfing all non-renewable resources. Even that amount is also only a minute amount of the sun's total energy output, due to the small solid angle the earth's outline makes with the sun.


home wind generators Offshore

Offshore wind development zones are generally considered to be ten kilometers or more from land. Offshore wind turbines are less obtrusive than turbines on land, as their apparent size and noise can be mitigated by distance. Because water has less surface roughness than land (especially deeper water), the average wind speed is usually considerably higher over open water. Capacity factors (utilisation rates) are considerably higher than for onshore and near-shore locations which allows offshore turbines to use shorter towers, making them less visible.

In stormy areas with extended shallow continental shelves (such as Denmark), turbines are practical to install — Denmark's wind generation provides about 18% of total electricity production in the country, with many offshore windfarms. Denmark plans to increase wind energy's contribution to as much as half of its electrical supply.

Locations have begun to be developed in the Great Lakes - with one project by Trillium Power approximately 20 km from shore and over 700 MW in size. Ontario, Canada is aggressively pursuing wind power development and has many onshore wind farms and several proposed near-shore locations but presently only one offshore development.

In most cases offshore environment is more expensive than onshore. Offshore towers are generally taller than onshore towers once the submerged height is included, and offshore foundations are more difficult to build and more expensive. Power transmission from offshore turbines is generally through undersea cable, which is more expensive to install than cables on land, and may use high voltage direct current operation if significant distance is to be covered — which then requires yet more equipment. Offshore saltwater environments can also raise maintenance costs by corroding the towers, but fresh-water locations such as the Great Lakes do not. Repairs and maintenance are usually much more difficult, and generally more costly, than on onshore turbines. Offshore saltwater wind turbines are outfitted with extensive corrosion protection measures like coatings and cathodic protection, which may not be required in fresh water locations.

While there is a significant market for small land-based windmills, offshore wind turbines have recently been and will probably continue to be the largest wind turbines in operation, because larger turbines allow for the spread of the high fixed costs involved in offshore operation over a greater quantity of generation, reducing the average cost. For similar reasons, offshore wind farms tend to be quite large—often involving over 100 turbines—as opposed to onshore wind farms which can operate competitively even with much smaller installations.


Ampair Pacific 12Volt 100Watt Marine Wind Turbine Generator

Generates up to 100 watts for a 12v Battery System.
Designed to survive the severe marine environment.
Heavy duty, all-weather generator, sealed to keep corrosion out.
Permanent installation on yacht as fit & forget unit.
Found in many other applications such as weekend chalets, radio repeaters, navigation equipment or anywhere that requires 12v/24v battery charging.
Up to 100 watts of power is developed by the permanent magnet alternator. The design allows the charging of totally flat batteries and prevents reverse current flow due to internal rectifiers. The machine has no commutator brushes to wear out and cannot overheat. It requires no thermal cut-outs, chokes or other forms of control to safeguard generator & protect windings from burn-out. Slip rings and brush gear allow generator to seek the wind and feed two wires connecting directly to the battery.

Especially important for unattended and remote installations. Achieved by extreme simplicity of direct drive alternator and total sealing of internal electrical and mechanical parts .
Built to professional standards. Easily outlasts cheap and lightweight alternatives. Offers superior value for money.
In ten years of coastal operation, an Ampair Pacific wind generator does as many revolutions as the engine of a car on a one million mile journey!

Optimised for use on yachts, where space is limited and larger units would be unsafe.

Smooth running and quiet Balanced six-bladed wind turbine with blades replaceable as matched pairs.
Fully enclosed and sealed pivot and slip ring assembly allows unlimited weather *bleep*ing.
Compact tail fin minimises turning radius.
Shaft seal protects front bearing of generator. All other parts fitted with seals.
Pivot axis aligned with centre of gravity of unit to minimise effects of yacht motion.
Charging levels do not appreciably diminish as battery voltage increases

Excellent corrosion resistance is achieved by the exclusive use of aluminium alloy, stainless steel and plastic materials for all external parts, backed up by the comprehensive use of rubber seals and topped off by a stoved white paint finish.

For on board safety, centre of wind turbine must be raised to a minimum of 2.6m (8'6") above base level so that blade tips clear head height.
If designing your own structure, ensure that the top support pole accepts the Pacific pivot shaft (40mm diameter).
Structure must be suitably braced to resist thrust load of turbine. Thrust is 24 kg (50 lbs) at 50 knots (25 m/sec). Allow a safety factor of double this.

To cater for the possibility of accidental damage, it is suggested that two spare wind turbine blades be carried. Other spares to consider are:
Pivot Seal, Shaft Seal, Set of Brushes and Caps.


Home Wind Power Generator

Streamlined three-bladed glass fiber reinforced blades have the advantages of great intensity, fatigue resistance and high efficiency. The Hummer-patented generator characterizes its high efficiency and good low--speed-performance.
The speed regulating system adjusts automatically to wind speed. The whole system is easy to install and convenient to maintain. Controlling, inverting and discharging are integrated.
Applied to
1 For daily life: Provide power at 12V DC, 24V DC, & 36V DC for lighting, TV, record players, driers,etc. in low-speeded wind areas especially in rural, pastoral and insular areas and as well as fishing-boats, railway depots, border sentry post, etc.
2 Provide 110V¡¢220V AC for color TV, small blowers, suitable for places distant from electricity network and places rich in wind power like pastoral, mountainous and insular areas.
3 Provide power unavailable from the normal 500W wind generator. Provide 220V AC and 24V DC & 36V DC for lighting, color TV, washing machines, refrigerators, pumps etc. Especially suitable for rural and pastoral areas and as well as border sentry post, meteorological observatory stations, etc.
Main technical datas
1 Rotor blade diameter: 2.5m
2 Numbers of blade: 3
3 Start up wind speed: 2.5m/s
4 Rated wind speed: 6.5m/s
5 Rated output power: 350W
6 Output Voltage: AC 110V,220V,DC 24V ,DC36Vetc.
7 Height: 5m
8 Generator Weight: 5kg
Temperature of working surrounding: ±45°C


Wind Genrator H6.4-5000W

The Model: H6.4-5000W use Streamlined three-bladed glass fiber reinforced blades which have the advantages of great intensity, fatigue resistance and high efficiency. The Hummer-patented generator characterizes its high efficiency and good low-speed-performance. The speed regulating system adjusts automatically to wind speed. Controlling, inverting and discharging are integrated. It incorporates a new electronics based technology that results in increased performance, improved battery charging capability, greater reliability and the reduction of buzzing noise from the machine. Unlike many of our competitors, the controller includes a diversion load to ensure quiet safe operation of your wind turbine when the batteries are charged. It’s designed to provide quiet, clean electricity in very low winds. This makes Model:H6.4-5000W ideal for residential homes and small businesses.

Maintenance-free, easy installation, and high output make Model: H6.4-5000W ideal for virtually any remote battery charging application. Installations range from China to Europe.

The Model: H6.4-5000W is designed for even the novice. The Model: H6.4-5000W can be installed in just a few hours with no welding, no concrete or cranes. Our engineers designed the work out of installing wind turbines. Now wind is as easy to use.

Combining wind and solar in hybrid systems are quickly becoming the standard in renewable energy field. This is due to seasonal fluctuations of both wind and solar energy resources that make it an ideal combination.

Our generator has the features of extreme small structure, low wind start, low rated wind speed, quick output in low wind, wide wind speed ranges, reliable speed restriction, and stable quiet running, Etc.

Hummer windpower Model H6.4-5000W Genertor weighs only 100kg (including blades, hub and nose cone).

small in size.,low energy consumption, low noisy, low rated wind speed(10m/s,22.4mph for 5000W)

Swift Start-up: Hummer Small-sized ,With wind speed at 3.0m/s, 6.7mph
Swift rotating, 1.5 to 3 times faster than other types of generators
Swift Charging

Strong in structure,blades adopt end joint and can fly stably.
Safe protection for overcharging, overdischarging, short circuit, overloading, over heating, etc.


The H6.4-5000W is an ideal product for the person that needs power for basic appliances such as TV, radio and lights.

Common applications for the H6.4-5000W

Remote Homes and Huts

Utility Connected Homes


The Developing World

Monitoring Stations

Water Pumping

To order this product, please see our dealer locator.

Main technical date :
1.Rotor blade diameter : 6.4m
2.Numbers of blade : 3
3.Start up wind speed : 3.0m/s, 6.7mph
4.Rated wind speed : 10.0m/s,22.4mph
5.Rated output power : 5000W
6.Maxim output 7500W
7.Output Voltage : AC 220V DC 240V-280V
8.Pole height : 12m
9.Generator Weight:100kg
10.Pole diameter:273mm
11.Temperature of working surrounding : 45



1、起动风速低,系统利用效率高;运行低振动、低噪音;体积小,外型美观;安装、维护方便。 2.、新型电源输出装置,克服传统小型风力机对风时电缆缠绕的烦恼。 3、采用人性化接线装置,方便电气安装、维护和检修。 4、风轮叶片采用新材料、新工艺经精密注射成型,配以优化的气动外形设计和结构设计,使风轮在同等扫风面积情况下,风能利用系数高,每百瓦发电量的材料消耗量低。 5、交流发电机采用专利技术的永磁转子磁路结构,配以特殊的定子设计,有效地降低发电机的阻转矩,同时使风轮与发电机具有更为良好的匹配特性,扩大了有效风速范围,增加了年发电量。 6、利用发电机本身特点设计新颖电磁制动辅助装置,简化了机组结构,提高了机组运行的可靠性。 7、风力发电机组的控制器部份,采用微机控制策略,由电力电子变换器构成一个具有整流、稳压、控制和故障指示的系统。解决了一直以来困绕小型风力机的整流、稳压一体化的问题,同时具有蓄电池组的过充、欠压等多种指示和自动保护功能,并设有光伏电池输入端子,用户可方便将风力发电机系统扩充为风—光互补型发电系统。 8、对风采用阻尼装置,既保证了风力机调向灵敏性和调向稳定性,又避免风力发电机的频繁对风引起的机组振动和发电能力下降。 9、智能型高效正弦波逆变器将直流电逆变为220V/50Hz或110V/60Hz交流电,可直接带动感性负载,同时具有短路、过载和蓄电池组的过放、过充自动保护功能,能有效地延长蓄电池组的使用寿命。


wind generator

The AIR-X builds upon what made AIR the world's #1 selling small wind turbine with new technology previously found only in mega-watt-class wind turbines.

The turbines smart controller allows it to actually control blade rotation speed thus eliminating the buzzing noise commonly found with the AIR 403 and 303 in high winds. Furthermore, a new series of carbon-reinforced blades with a modified pitch angle further increases power production.

Previous AIR designs required 300-400 amp hour battery banks so the trickle charge of the wind turbine could be adequately absorbed. The AIR-X’s charge controller periodically stops charging, reads the battery voltage, compares it to the voltage setting and if the battery is charged, it completely shuts off all current going to the battery. This function is performed within a few milliseconds. The closer the battery is to reaching its full state of charge, the more often the AIR-X’s circuit repeats this action. When the battery has reached its charged state, the AIR-X will slow to an almost complete stop. Only when the battery has dropped below its voltage set point will it startup and resume charging.

- Simple rooftop installation; no tower necessary

- Carbon Fiber Composite Blades

- Aircraft quality aluminum alloy castings

- Sophisticated internal battery charge regulator

- Maintenance-free - Only two moving parts

- Exclusive Auto-brake-feature that slows the AIR to a silent spin

- High Wind Safe Mode - Automatically slows turbine in potentially damaging winds and reduces noise

- Neighbor Friendly

Rotor Diameter: 46" (1.14 meters)

Weight: 13 lbs (6 kg)

Start up wind speed: 7 mph (3 m/s)

Output: 400 watts at 28 mph (12.5 m/s) Voltage: 12 & 24 VDC (36/48 VDC available soon)